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Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, temp. Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII Æ18. Alexandria, 116-151 BC. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon to right / [ΠΤΟΛ]ΕΜΑΙΟY ΒΑΣΙΛ[ΕΩΣ], two eagles with closed wings standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopiae in left field.

The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, dating back to the time of Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII, which was around 116-51 BC. These coins were known as "Æ" (meaning bronze).

Ptolemy IX Soter II was a pharaoh of Egypt and a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, ruling from 116 to 107 BC. He was succeeded by Ptolemy X Alexander I, followed by Ptolemy XI Alexander II, Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos, and lastly Ptolemy XII Theos Philopator Philadelphus.

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Alexandria. Time of Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII 116-51 BC.

Bronze Æ

18 mm, 7,33 g

Good Very Fine

Certificate of provenance and authenticity included .

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Alexandria. Time of Ptolemy IX to Ptolemy XII

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